Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Artists for Humanity

The second day of JUA brought some much-appreciated sunshine. After quickly grabbing bagels and coffee at a small café, we headed to the Arts for Humanities building in South Boston. This building was the 11th nationally ranked to have been L.E.E.D. platinum. L.E.E.D. stands for "Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design". We were given a tour around the building and shown the different “green” aspects built in to make it more sustainable. These include: solar panel roofing, a garage door to increase the amount of sunlight and decrease the amount of electricity needed, a large vent throughout the building and two fans on the roof used to moderate the temperature in place of air condition, along with conscious thinking of the materials used to build.

If you want to learn more about the program “Arts for Humanities” in Boston, click on the link given.

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